Why is this always the hardest section to write?

Category is: an assortment of curated facts to appeal to strangers in a cool, but approachable way that I definitely didn’t overthink at all.

Find me at graceleekang@gmail.com (or LinkedIn to see where I’ve spent a decade in the marketing world).

  1. Time travel romance is a vastly! underappreciated! entertainment! category!

  2. I ran my employer’s Instagram for eight years carte blanche (read: no one else wanted to do it) and managed to never be fired. If that doesn’t convince you I’m a responsible, resourceful adult with great judgment, nothing will.

  3. The floor sweepers in the NBA are unsung, mysterious heroes. I’m extremely upset I didn’t write this article first since I’ve been thinking about this for years and I too would like a NYT byline.

  4. One time I wrote about making Peeps into “sushi” because that was what the internet was back then and thus “internet-famous” Peepshi was born. (I don’t actually care for the candy, ftr.) A parenting magazine interviewed me about it, the invention spun off into dangerous pursuits like Peepza, and I’m famous on French Slideshare.